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Bloody urine is always an alarm sign. The causes are manifold. The following report explains what these are and why an urgent visit to the vet - especially for a male cat - is absolutely necessary. By Dr. med. vet. Carmen Meichtry Diseases of the lower urinary tract (FLUTD = Feline Lower Urinary Tract disease) are often the reason for an urgent or even emergency veterinary visit. FLUTD is a common disease complex of the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra) in cats.
Every year the first sunny days of spring attract people and animals outside. Finally, the walk with the dog or the ride on horseback becomes a pleasure again. But watch out: With the rising temperatures, there is also an insidious danger lurking in the undergrowth - ticks. Along with mosquitoes and flies, they are among the animal species responsible for vector-borne diseases.
Summer and autumn time is hiking time. In the mountains, our four-legged friends can really let off steam and live out their urge to move in the great outdoors. But as everywhere in life, dangers lurk there and accidents can happen. Im Ernstfall gilt es vorbereitet zu sein.m
A tuft of hair here, a ball of hair there. Especially in spring and autumn our pets lose a lot of hair. Brushing and combing is therefore especially important during the coat change. Hair goes through different stages of growth. When the hair reaches its length, growth stops. Now the hair is firmly anchored to the root. Several months pass before a new root is formed. Due to the growth of the new hair, the existing coat is shed and leads accordingly to the change of coat.